Lemon Tarts


I still remember my first fruit tart; our family friends had brought over some mini tarts from the bakery they worked at, and it was topped with custard and fresh fruit. Having only ever eaten egg tarts before, this experience led to a renewed interest in tarts.

When my sister first made a lemon curd tart, it was an instant hit with our family. As fans of the sour-meet-sweet combination, the tangy lemon “whets” the appetite and balances the buttery tart shell. Soon after, I learned to make my own and to date, it is one of the fastest-disappearing desserts in my household.


While I usually make recipes that have a high output, I’ve been trying to reduce the amount made when baking for myself because it’s not always possible to pawn off baked goods in this era of social distancing. Semi-inspired by my visit to this bakery, I tweaked my existing recipe to make a larger size than the mini tarts I often make. This recipe makes 3 lemon tarts; scale up if needed.


Shortbread crust

  • 120g all-purpose flour
  • 85g butter
  • 25g sugar
  • pinch of salt

Lemon curd

  • 80 ml lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp lemon zest
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 75g sugar
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt
  • 60g chilled butter

For the crust

Prepare the tart crust by combining all the ingredients. Using a pastry cutter or butter knives, combine until it the mixture is sandy but holds together in a ball.

Chill the dough for 30 minutes, and then press into the tart molds.

Bake at 150C/300F for 10-15 minutes of until lightly golden. Leave to cool.

For the lemon curd

Combine all the ingredients except the butter in a heatproof bowl. Whisk well to combine.

Bring water to a soft boil in a saucepan. Place the heatproof bowl in the saucepan, trying to ensure the water doesn’t touch the bowl. Whisk continuously to prevent curdling. Once the mixture has thickened, around 10-15 minutes. Remove the bowl from the heat and add the chilled butter. Mix until it has incorporated, and leave to cool. Stir the curd occasionally to prevent a crust from forming.

Once everything has cooled, it is time to assemble! If you are making it in advance, you can chill the lemon curd and use it later. Fill the tart crusts generously with the curd, and top with your favourite fruit.



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