Category Archives: me

me, myself, and I

Happy 150!

It’s been 150 years since Confederation of Canada! I’ve been enjoying the promotions and special events that this year has brought us, and am happy to finally take embark on one of our biggest celebrations for this summer – see you soon on the west coast!

Budgeting Meals for Trips

I am about to embark on a vacation after my final examination of my undergraduate career. I’m extremely excited, and while I want to enjoy myself, the reality is that money is tight (due to the unemployed student factor). So therefore strict budgeting must be enforced in order to strike a balance.

Cloud Gate, Chicago
Cloud Gate, Chicago

We are definitely planning to eat out for most (if not all) our meals, and it can quickly add up. As budgeting for a trip depends on a variety of factors, I will focus on general tips I use myself.  Continue reading Budgeting Meals for Trips

And so it begins…

The beginning of a new online journal… Will be working to have regular updates on this brand new site. My interests lie in environment, food, photography (of the aforementioned interests), my pet Tofu, friends and family, me time, and of course, happiness.

Welcome. Feel free to browse and suggest ideas.